That was me in the August of 2008...I totalled up my debt..all of debt...personal debt..student loans...32 lines of revolving credit...all of it. Wrote it down. Then I stared at it, recalculated it, stared at it some more. Unbelievably stupid. Then I had that moment that Dave talks about....that moment when you say...."I've had it! I'm not living like this anymore!"
And like the gazelle, I laid there...the crap kicked out of me and the lions still looking on...Now What?!?
Get Gazelle Intense
And that meant I was going to have to do the deal that
Dave Ramsey lays out in his book, The Total Money Makeover.
Now here we are 26 months into this deal that I'm ready to start talking about my journey away from debt and towards freedom. Long way to go, but I'm on track and Gazelle Intense...hey, I even have the tattoo to prove it. This blog will be a way for me to share some things I've learned along the way...take what you need and leave the rest.
So what is gazelle intensity? Dave does a better job of explaining it than I could, so I'll let him.
Gazelle Intensity: Do You Have It? - Other -
I'm persistent...I'm going to be one of the gazelles that gets me.
Total Debt Paid To Date: $93,555.68